> On Sep 9, 2016, at 7:38 AM, René J.V. Bertin <rjvber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I do a lot of development on projects for which I also maintain ports; in 
> fact, development that's tightly coupled to the fact the code is available 
> via a port. Doing all that work "as myself" only to transfer it to the port 
> afterwards is a hassle and waste of time as far as I'm concerned. It's not so 
> much that I want to avoid having to put sudo in front of each and every port 
> command (I'd write a `sport` wrapper/alias). I don't want to grow the habit 
> of putting sudo in front of everything I'm doing around those ports' build 
> directories and that I'd also be doing in development that's got nothing to 
> do with MacPorts. I also want to be able to open a port's source tree in an 
> IDE, run incremental builds in subdirs for ${build.dir}, etc. So I've set my 
> macportsuser to my own username, and most of the time I run everything up to 
> and including `port destroot` as myself (and set up symlinks to `port work` 
> for easy access). Typically, for -devel ports that use fetch.git I also 
> replace ${worksrcdir} with a symlink to the working copy under my own home 
> directory (that way I also won't lose local changes if I ever forget to use 
> -o or -k).
> Many of the contributions I've made to KDE over the past few years were 
> developed with this approach. I've used the standard approach (macportsuser = 
> macports) on a VM Bradley gave me access to, and it's definitely a lot less 
> productive.
> Evidently this is not the kind of advanced use we need to consider for 
> regular users, but port developers/maintainers are users too, and I think we 
> *could* consider their needs too.

Meh. There really aren't that many port developers, and I bet a lot fewer of 
them set macportsuser than you think.

We have no evidence either way, so appealing to an invisible mass of developers 
is not a convincing line of argument.

> As an aside, I'd be in favour of setting up MacPorts such that ${prefix} is 
> owned by a ${macports_operator} who's got admin rights (= myself) and reserve 
> use of actual root privilege to those few ports that require setting up 
> SETUID/GETUID executables or that need to create users or groups. MacPorts 
> installs into a parallel prefix, and there are only few ports that require 
> access to system directories.

We consider the fact that we install as root to be a security feature. One can 
already install MacPorts as a non-root user if they want to.

>>>> Isn't that a bit of a special case, with you certainly having Apple's
>>>> benediction to work on that particular product?> > 
>>> XQuartz isn't any more blessed in that respect than MacPorts.
> And the fact you're an Apple's payroll doesn't have anything to do with it 
> either? Currently Apple doesn't have a say in the admission and upgrade of 
> each and every port in MacPorts, do they? In a way I'd even hope they cannot 
> force the exclusion of a port (other than ones clearly doing unlawful 
> things); signing everything with an official key seems like a way to give 
> them (more) leverage to control over the ports tree.

What? Apple provides developer certificates that can be used for signatures. 
Jeremy is suggesting we take advantage of this. Third-party developers do this 
all the time. Using a certificate doesn't give Apple review power over anybody 
(other than revocation in case of abuse).

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