> On Sep 30, 2016, at 10:15 AM, Sierk Bornemann <sie...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> Am 30.09.2016 um 09:53 schrieb Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org>:
>>> Apple could (and IMHO should) have made case-sensitivity the
>>> default and let everyone come to term with the fact that foo and
>>> Foo are not the same thing (or add normalising glue code in their
>>> highlevel APIs).
>> Apple has decided Mac OS has a case-insensitive filesystem by
>> default; it's pointless to talk about what you think they should
>> have done; they didn't do that.
> Past/presence. But: Apple seems finally to go into case-sensitive per
> default resp. case-sensitive-only:
> Apples forthcoming APFS is/will be case sensitive per default, and
> relating Sierra so far is case sensitive-only (when, if at all
> case-insensitivity will be implemented, only Apple knows):

Given the nature of the other items on that list (no startup volumes, no
Time Machine, no FileVault), it would be highly imprudent to assume that
case-sensitivity-by-default is anything other than a corner that was cut
to get the Developer Preview out the door.

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