> On Oct 21, 2016, at 2:12 PM, Clemens Lang <c...@macports.org> wrote:
> Hello MacPorts users and developers,
> ... Please read through
> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/WorkingWithGit
> which contains a number of guidelines for working with the MacPorts Git
> repositories.
The Working with Git page is pretty good.  There is a lot of good background 
and explanation of why and how Git is different from svn.

However, would it be possible to add a tangible example of updating a port to 
that page?  

I know a little bit about Subversion and less about Git.  I would like to see a 
soup-to-nuts example of cloning the ports tree, updating a Portfile, maybe 
deleting an old patch and adding a new one, and getting the updated port into 
MacPorts (direct commit v. pull request).  It would be helpful if one-time 
requirements (setting name and email address) were clearly separated from 
repetitive steps (pulling changes from master?).  Otherwise, it is going to be 
a wee bit nerve-wracking the first few times...

Also, is the consensus that a graphical user interface over git more likely to 
be harmful than helpful?  The Tools section at the bottom of the page doesn’t 
give any kind of recommendation.

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