
On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 06:01:13PM +0200, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> Thanks for the archive links. A quick scan suggests that my "shadow"
> tree I referred to will be a new working copy of the git repo, from
> where I'll filter things into the current svn tree.

There will be no svn tree in a week. We'll keep the old repository
around, but it will be read only.

> Will the migration conserve the full history?


> Is there anything in browser settings that could influence this? Do
> you know if the feature depends on referral information, for instance.
> I'm running privoxy which filters that out, though that shouldn't
> happen on https if the info is encrypted too

The Referer header is used, see

> and also most other sites redirect me properly.

I cannot comment on what "most other sites" do.

> Will see, thanks - will depend on the language used there...

CSS for stylesheet changes.

> That wasn't what I had in mind. I think of this as a feature (like
> reply) checking whether the user is logged in, and serving a login
> dialog rather than an error if that is not the case.

That's not easily possible due to the limitations of the OAuth2
protocol, unless you want to run the complete authentication in an
iframe or something equally awkward.

> I presume you do get an error with the current implementation if you
> click reply after your session timed out?

Yes. A session lasts 30 days, though.

> Clearly neither did I. I did notice the resemblance to trac, but with
> it running on github I thought you adapted something provided there to
> look and work as closely as possibly to Trac.

What makes you think this is running on GitHub?

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