On 2017-05-30 17:36, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> Wouldn't requiring a certain number of reviews make things more
> difficult than they are now, where we don't require reviews?

Well, this depends. I haven't administered github projects for large
groups, so I don't know if this is even possible with github.

But I was thinking that new maintainers (with commit access), who still
need to build up a reputation, have to have their PRs reviewed.
Others can commit directly.

> It's not allowed to revert a commit that has been pushed. It is
> possible to push a new commit that undoes the changes of a previous
> commit. But MacPorts has additional requirements. For example, if you
> update a port from version 1.0 to version 2.0 and then find that 2.0
> is broken, you cannot undo it by making another commit that just
> changes the port back to version 1.0 again; you must also increase
> the port's epoch.

I was rather talking about the process and that it is very easy in git
to rollback commits.

Let's say commit xyz (v1.1) was bad.

The maintainer now does the following:

1) git revert xyz
2) makes changes and sets v1.2
3) commit
4) git push

The last 4 lines were local, so it is ok to have the version changed
temporarily back to pre-1.1 in step 1 (the git revert).

regards Helmut K. C. Tessarek
lookup http://pool.sks-keyservers.net for KeyID 0xC11F128D

   Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for chaos and madness
   await thee at its end.

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