On 2017-06-11 19:07, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
>> 4. Another thing that ran my mind while pondering that there are 2 options 
>> for sqlite database as well: make the tables in the very beginning (while 
>> initial installation) or while running the snapshot for the first time. I 
>> suggest to go with the first one because it's simple.
>> The major target is to finish the snapshot action before Jun 24.
> Does “port selfupdate” constitute an “initial installation”?
> Does port currently perform schema checks?
> If port can detect if the schema needs updating then perhaps we can hook in 
> and “do the right thing".

For testing it should be enough to just modify the registry.db locally
as you need it. Once you reach a stable schema, you will have to add
modifications to the registry schema at two places.

1) The initial database schema for new installations is defined here:


2) The metadata table in registry.db has a row with key='version', where
value holds the schema version. The code to update from one schema
version to the next is here:



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