Thanks for looking, Craig.

I think you may have stumbled across this 
<> error.


>> My build file and patches are here:  
>> <>
>> The minetest portfile and associated patches, if anyone is interested in 
>> seeing it work, are here: 
>> <>.

> So I’ve been having a look at irrlicht but not getting very far.  xcodebuld 
> crashes (SIGABRT) almost immediately.  Debug output includes:
> ===========
> Could not find service "" in 
> domain for uid: 506
> 2017-06-22 15:49:26.109 xcodebuild[88904:8146444] launchctl print returned an 
> error code: 28928
> 2017-06-22 15:49:26.109 xcodebuild[88904:8146444] Failed to locate a valid 
> instance of CoreSimulatorService in the bootstrap.  Adding it now.
> Could not find service "" in 
> domain for uid: 506
> 2017-06-22 15:49:26.379 xcodebuild[88904:8146444] launchctl print returned an 
> error code: 28928
> 2017-06-22 15:49:26.379 xcodebuild[88904:8146444] *** Assertion failure in 
> -[SimServiceContext reloadServiceIfMovedOrAbortIfWeAreInvalid], 
> /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
> ** INTERNAL ERROR: Uncaught exception **
> Exception: Unable to lookup in 
> the bootstrap.  This can happen if running with a sandbox profile.  When 
> running with a sandbox profile, make sure that 
> is owned by root, not group 
> writable, and not world writable.  See <rdar://problem/22142915>.
> ===========
> I’m running:
> $ xcodebuild -version; sw_vers
> Xcode 7.2
> Build version 7C68
> ProductName:  Mac OS X
> ProductVersion:       10.10.5
> BuildVersion: 14F2315
> Have you experienced this?  Thoughts?
> Craig

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