
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 4:19 AM, Joshua Root <j...@macports.org> wrote:

> On 2017-8-11 03:41 , Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
>> I think Josh is referring to 3NF normalization (third normal form). I
>> don’t think this use case warrants this complexity. I think it is fine for
>> two snapshot id’s to reference the same port+variant combination. When a
>> snapshot id is deleted, cascade delete.
> Again I'm not sure how this differs from what I wrote. A snapshot contains
> any number of ports, and a port can be in any number of snapshots.

I tried to clear this in my other mail.

> Don't worry about having a completely textbook normalised DB, but do avoid
> replicating large amounts of the data.


> And TBH a join query would be one of the simplest parts of all this...

I started with a join query actually. Something like this,

    char* query = "SELECT port_name, requested, variant_name, variant_sign "
        "FROM registry.snapshots "
        "INNER JOIN "
        "registry.snapshot_ports ON "
        "snapshots.id=snapshot_ports.snapshots_id "
        "LEFT JOIN "
        "registry.snapshot_port_variants ON "
        "WHERE snapshots.id=?";

But then I was having a hard time passing the result to Tcl without a
snapshot struct. And if there is a need for reg_snapshot, then need for
methods as well to operate on it. So, I separated the SQL functions to
fetch ports first and then variants.

But, having said this all, now I think I could have solved this with JOIN
query as well. All these ideas keep coming to me, the longer I spend my

I can really use an idea on workflow here.

- Umesh

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