Ah, the old version is 2.0.14, not 2.0.18, apologies for the typo.


On 2017-09-13, at 10:22 PM, Ken Cunningham wrote:

> guile moved to 2.2.2 a few months ago, and at least two ports that link 
> against guile 2.0.18 broke when 2.2 rolled out:
> geda-gaf <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54293> and autogen 
> <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54112>.  
> An outside patch <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?109347>  will let autogen 
> build against most guile versions, including 2.0.18 and 2.2.2. I have that 
> commit ready to go <https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/pull/778>. The 
> other broken port(s)  can no doubt be patched too.
> the author of autogen has not verified autogen against guile 2.2, and doesn't 
> (yet) indicate an interest in doing so 
> <http://mac-os-forge.2317878.n4.nabble.com/autogen-install-or-upgrade-fails-td336506.html>
>  .
> almost all the autogen tests unfortunately fail, whether built against guile 
> 2.0.18 or guile 2.2.2, which seems to be due to some kind of messed up 
> linkage against gettext that after a couple of hours of plugging away I was 
> not able to fix. So the tests are useless at present.
> Some users <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54112#comment:6> have indicated 
> a strong interest in having the "validated" guile 2.0 stay around as guile20 
> for the long term, or at least until autogen is validated against guile 2.2. 
> Others <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54112#comment:8> don't seem so 
> worried.
> Having them as conflicting either-or ports would be simple. Making them 
> coexist is more of a project, and no doubt would cause pkg-config confusion. 
> SO - guile20? or patch ports (unvalidated as they might be) and move ahead 
> with guile 2.2.2?
> As a PS, guile 2.2.2 longer builds on older machines ( <10.7). I can fix 10.6 
> easily, but the PPC machines are stuck at 2.0.18, quite possibly forever.

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