On 2017-10-06 18:58, db wrote:
> On 6 Oct 2017, at 18:54, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
>> Thanks, that was exactly the fix I was just going to suggest. I'll deploy 
>> that, then 2.4.2 should be available within the hour.
> Sorry to hijack the thread. I just installed 2.4.2 from source and realised 
> that rleaves didn't make it to it yet. Any ideas why?

Releases in the 2.4.x series only contain bugfixes. New features are
only on the master branch, from which we will eventually create a new
branch for MacPorts 2.5. MacPorts 2.5.0 will then ship new features such
as the 'rleaves' pseudo-portname.


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