On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 02:19:39PM -0400, Michael Dickens wrote:
You can always create or add them to a .gitignore file. If at the top-
level GIT repo, this file impacts the whole repo. You would literally
add "*.o" (but without the ""s) to this file to ignore all *.o files.
Just be careful to not ignore port-original files.
Example of how I do it; slightly different than Mojca's:
sudo port extract gr-ofdm
pushd $(port work gr-ofdm)
sudo chmod -R a+rw .
cd gr-ofdm<tab>
git init
git add -A
git commit "init" > /dev/null

Then, go about editing & any change will easily be found via "git
status". You can also revert back to the "init" (or last commit) version
of a file via "git checkout -- [filename]". Getting the changes is easy,
via "git diff" ... but note that this diff is "patch -p1" style, not the
usual MacPorts "patch -p0" style. It's easy to convert between them, but
will generally be a pain if a lot of files have been changed. My git-foo
isn't very strong, but these I know & they work quite well for fixing
MacPorts ports via source.

`git diff --no-prefix` generates "patch -p0" style diff.

Best regards,
Zero King

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