On 2017-11-07, at 12:03 AM, Ken Cunningham wrote:

> On 2017-11-06, at 11:35 PM, Leonardo Brondani Schenkel wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I recently introduced a new port, xdxf_makedict, which built successfully on 
>> my box (macOS 10.13) on first try. However, after it got merged I started 
>> getting notifications from the buildbots about build failures on 10.12 and 
>> older.
>> The first problem, which I now have solved, was that the code was using the 
>> EXIT_SUCCESS/EXIT_FAILURE macros in some files without including <cstdlib> 
>> first.
>> However, now I started getting other, different failures:
>> - 10.8: 
>> https://build.macports.org/builders/ports-10.8_x86_64_legacy-builder/builds/42330/steps/install-port/logs/stdio
>> - 10.7: same problem as 10.8
>> - 10.6: 
>> https://build.macports.org/builders/ports-10.6_x86_64_legacy-builder/builds/46675/steps/install-port/logs/stdio
>> The problem is that I cannot replicate any of this, and I don't have any 
>> older environment to test. So far I have been fixing the issues "blind" but 
>> I have committed two fixes already and I don't want to be committing fixes 
>> on top of fixes that might or might not solve the issue, polluting the 
>> history in the process.  Could somebody help?
>> This is kind of a fringe program, I have decided to add the port since I 
>> could build it on first try and thought it might be useful to others. But 
>> now I'm kinda disappointed with the state of the codebase and I'm starting 
>> to wonder if adding this was the right call...
>> // Leonardo.
> I found this <https://github.com/soshial/xdxf_makedict/issues/13> which looks 
> like the same errors, as a clue. I'll see if I can build it on my 10.6 box.
> Ken

So my usual machine is 10.6.8, set up with LibcxxOnOlderSystems, and default 
compiler is presently clang-3.9.

With that, it built straight through without any trouble:

$ port -v installed xdxf_makedict
The following ports are currently installed:
 xdxf_makedict @0.4.1-beta1-20171015_0 (active) platform='darwin 10' 
archs='x86_64' date='2017-11-07T00:21:38-0800'

during the build, I noticed one extra included library

-- Found libintl: /opt/local/lib/libintl.dylib

so perhaps there is a missing dep for port:libiconv


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