On 2018-03-25 16:19, macpo...@parvis.nl wrote:
> I'm working on a port for munin 2 as the current macports version 1.4.7 is of 
> 14 mar 2012.
> The munin-node seems to work fine, the server part requires more testing.

Great! That port is really in the need of an update.

> (1)
> I need a port install munin@2.0.35 buth without a destroot phase.
> Is there a dummy command for destroot.cmd that allows to build without 
> install? exit 1? 

For testing, you can run the various port phases separately. Running
'sudo port -v build' would only complete the build phase and you can
examine the results in the work/ directory, which is available via the
work symlink next to the Portfile, or with 'port work'. You can also run
'sudo port destroot' and examine the files that would be installed at

> (2)
> To prevent clashes with the current macports installation, I think it is best 
> to create a second one.
> Guide 2.2.4 Install Multiple MacPorts Copies ( 
> https://guide.macports.org/#installing.macports.source.multiple ) talks about 
> that. I assume that 2.2.3 Git Install should be done before. confirmation 
> please.

This is usually not required for port development, unless you do not
want to uninstall the existing munin port.

> (3)
> If I succeed in making this port, how should I do it?
> - create new port munin2 with no relation to munin @1.4.7
> - make this an upgrade for the current version.

I see no reason to keep 1.x around. On a quick check, most other
distributions are also only providing 2.x.


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