On 3 April 2018 at 14:43, db wrote:
> On 3 Apr 2018, at 13:09, Rainer Müller wrote:
>> But what exactly do you think would be the benefit from such a complicated 
>> setup (GitHub -> GitLab -> External Runner)?
> Testing? But hey, I only know MP's infrastructure from what I read in the 
> list,

To make it clear: we will all be enormously grateful for anyone willing to:

(a) write the code to spawn new VMs with macOS 10.6-10.13 on request
(& prepare the VMs)
(b) donate us hardware to run those VMs on

The part (a) is of course independent of (b) and we can explicitly ask
for (b) once we have (a) implemented.

(Alternative to (a) is providing sufficient measures to make sure that
installing anything from a Portfile can be fully reversed without any

> TravisCI does wonders and everything's jolly good.

Travis has lots of limitations, but it offers both (a) and (b) for
free. If we want to go around limitations from Travis, we need to
figure out both (a) and (b) ourselves. And until we have both (a) and
(b) figured out, from my understanding GitLab has nothing to offer us
at this moment. I would be extremely glad if proven wrong.


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