Have we thought about moving entirely to github. Using issues and projects?
I remember there being a reason we didn't, but I don't remember what it was.

Mark E. Anderson <e...@emer.net>

On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 10:17 PM, Andrew Moore <slew...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > On Apr 11, 2018, at 7:52 PM, Dave Horsfall <d...@horsfall.org> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 11 Apr 2018, Andrew Moore wrote:
> >
> >> Okay, so when all is said and done, am I actually prepared to make an
> actual contribution?  Perhaps it merits a topic of discussion for the
> online meeting how MacPorts wants to present itself.  I’d like to see one
> of MacPorts’s goals be towards non-profit status, and ultimately to attract
> the attention of Apple again.  Apple needs MacPorts desperately, they just
> don’t know it yet…
> >
> > Having (re)discovered Perl/Tk I'm certainly interested in jazzing up a
> few of my programs, but there's something about GitHub that bothers me (and
> I don't know what); perhaps it's my general dislike of Penguin/OS and
> anything spawned from it (including the GPL virus), I dunno…
> I should clarify that I speak for myself and not for MacPorts, not being a
> member.  And my reference to Trac probably came across as derogatory, which
> was unintended.
> I’m curious if your dislike extends to command-line tool git(1) or just
> the company built around it?
> -AM

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