On Apr 12, 2018, at 13:14, db wrote:

> On 12 Apr 2018, at 18:52, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> 1. MacPorts does not have a method of declaring that a port does not build 
>> on a version of macOS. Such a feature is being discussed:
>> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/15712
>> In the absence of this feature, we write pre-fetch blocks that manually 
>> check the OS version and print an error.
> Opened 10 years ago. Fat chance, I guess.

You may have noticed that discussion about the issue resumed 4 weeks ago, and a 
milestone was assigned.

>> 3. There is no plan to have any automated process add such blocks.
> Precisely that I wanted to know. I'd like the powers that be to consider this 
> — delivering portfiles that won't build (in certain platforms) doesn't make 
> much sense.

The method by which we want to accomplish that is the above-referenced ticket.

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