
Quick reminder, the meeting starts in 10 minutes:


On 7 April 2018 at 10:31, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to announce the first online MacPorts meeting happening
> two weeks from now, on April 21st at 13:00 - 14:00 UTC (if it takes
> much longer than one hour, we are probably doing something wrong).
> Many people wanted to join us at the face-to-face meeting last month,
> but could not make it, or it was too expensive to travel or ...
> This meeting gives you the opportunity to get involved into a lively
> discussion about MacPorts future. Some potential topics could be:
> - quick overview of the meeting in Slovenia
> - plans for MacPorts release(s)
> - website-related topics
> but I would like to open the discussion now to suggest other more
> important topics for this or one of the following meetings (if we end
> up with too many proposals, we'll just organize another meeting to
> keep this one reasonably short).
> We should ideally have an agenda ready two days before the meeting, so
> feel free to come up with proposals, specific questions etc.
> Suggestions for the best platform to use are also welcome. IRC is
> definitely one option, but some might prefer a combination of voice +
> chat? I don't expect there would be a prohibitive number of people
> participating for a voice conference.
> See you all in two weeks,
>     Mojca
> PS: Meeting notes from Slovenia can be found here:
>     https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018#Sessions

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