On 2018-04-21 23:23, Michael wrote:
> I took a look at the change log, and saw there is a command, port diagnose

This was first released with 2.4.0 last year, but no changes were made
for 2.4.4.

> bash-3.2# port -v diagnose
> Error: process_cmd failed: dsAttrTypeNative:shell: /bin/bash
> launchctl: Couldn't 
> stat("/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.DirectoryServicesLocal.plist"): 
> No such file or directory
> nothing found to load
> bash-3.2# 
> It seems to not work properly.

I cannot reproduce this here running macOS 10.12 Sierra. There is no
launchctl invoked by the port action at all, so this must be coming from
/usr/bin/dscl. I do not have the mentioned file on my system either.

If you see this on an old version of macOS, it could be that this is the
same problem described in the ticket below. The fix would then be to
ignore this error message with 'exec -ignorestderr ...'.



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