On 2018-04-22 09:29, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> As requested during yesterday's meeting, here's the result of
> automatic conversion of our guide from xml (docbook) to asciidoc:
>     https://github.com/macports/macports-guide/tree/master/guide/adoc
> This was initially explored by Aljaž and gives quite nice results
> out-of-the-box, but there are still some issues with conversion that
> will have to be addressed either by fixing docbookrx itself or
> manually.

I fixed some of the issues by slightly modifying the XML. None of these
should change the output produced by DocBook, but help docbookrx to
understand the XML.

I started to document the issues with the conversion in the README. This
is not exhaustive, please add more things to this list if you spot them.


On one hand, some issues can only be fixed manually once we are sure we
are not going to run docbookrx again. On the other hand, I noticed that
it would be easier to fix other issues in docbookrx instead of
post-processing the *.adoc files.

However, some of the issues require tweaks to docbookrx that are
specific to the MacPorts guide, as they depend on assumptions how
certain elements are used.

I pushed some commits with such changes that are specific to the
MacPorts guide to my fork of docbookrx on the macports-guide branch:


Should I move this repository to the MacPorts organization on GitHub for
collaboration? This would only be temporary until we are finished with
the conversion.


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