On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 09:59:59PM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
So I tried to do some repo surgery to fix Marcus Calhoun-Lopez's
commits, since there were only two commits after his change.

I "git reset --hard" back past where he damaged the repo, cherry
picked the two revisions after that, and then tried to
"git push --force" -- this should have re-set the master branch to
point at a slightly different history that now didn't include Marcus'

However (I suppose not so sadly, since force pushes are dangerous), I got a
  error: GH006: Protected branch update failed for refs/heads/master.
  remote: error: Cannot force-push to a protected branch

I think this is a github security feature. But I can't do appropriate
repository surgery without it.

Anyone have suggestions for alternatives? Should we just merge a
reversal? (I may do that temporarily anyway.)

Use "git revert" for that. We intentionally disabled force pushing
because it could cause trouble for forks and our infrastructure.



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