Your points are well taken, but I am afraid I do not have any good solutions.

It it helps, the dependencies on Qt components are of the path: variety.
The idea was that if you wanted to stay at Qt 5.9, you only had to install 
However, this does not work well at all with prebuilt binaries.
I am not sure, but it might also be considered a violation of Reproducible 

I am certainly open to suggestions to how to improve the situation.


> On May 9, 2018, at 5:00 PM, Craig Treleaven <> wrote:
>> On May 9, 2018, at 2:07 PM, Ryan Schmidt <> wrote:
>> On May 9, 2018, at 07:18, Craig Treleaven wrote:
>>> On May 8, 2018, at 5:06 AM, Vincent Habchi wrote:
>>>> I was in the process of modifying the Qt5 Port group to allow for choosing 
>>>> the Qt version one wants to link an application against using variants. 
>>>> However, before I go further, I’d like to know if concurrent installations 
>>>> of different Qt5 versions are supported in MacPorts. If not, what I do is 
>>>> just futile.
>>> Um, there are subports for each Qt5 version.  Picking one at random:
>>> $ port info qt57-qtwebkit
>>> qt57-qtwebkit @5.7.1_1 (aqua)
>>> Variants:             debug, examples, tests, universal
>>> Description:          Tools and Module(s) for Qt Tool Kit 5: Qt WebKit and 
>>> Qt WebKit Widgets
>>> Homepage:   
>>> Extract Dependencies: xz
>>> Build Dependencies:   python27, pkgconfig
>>> Library Dependencies: fontconfig, icu, leveldb, webp, libxml2, libxslt, 
>>> zlib, sqlite3, qt57-qtdeclarative, qt57-qtlocation, qt57-qtmultimedia, 
>>> qt57-qtsensors, qt57-qtwebchannel, qt57-qtxmlpatterns, qt57-qtbase
>>> Conflicts with:       qt3, qt3-mac, qt56-qtbase, qt58-qtbase, qt5-qtbase, 
>>> qt55-qtbase, qt59-qtbase
>>> Platforms:            macosx
>>> License:              {LGPL-3 GPL-3 OpenSSLException}
>>> Maintainers:          Email:, GitHub: 
>>> MarcusCalhoun-Lopez
>>>                    Policy: openmaintainer
>>> Notice that the port depends on several Qt5 ports which are all specified 
>>> at the same level (“57”).  It conflicts with other versions of Qt.
>>> Is that not sufficient?
>> My understanding of the fact that they conflict is that there is some latest 
>> version of Qt that is compatible with each version of macOS, and that by 
>> using the qt5 portgroup, one automatically receives that version. However, 
>> in practice, that does not appear to be the case. I see build failures of my 
>> Qt-using ports on some macOS versions because the chosen version of Qt is 
>> not compatible with that version of macOS.
> The automatic upgrading that the portgroup does is a bit scary.  It seemed 
> like it was no time at all that we went from 5.7.1 to 5.10.  (Even though Qt, 
> at the time, said that they didn’t support the latest MacOS version.)  MythTV 
> needed some fixes for Qt 5.10 for some months after MacPorts moved forward.  
> I still need to do some testing to see if some interface glitches are present 
> with both 5.10 and (say) 5.5.  
> I wish the portgroup gave some way to say “I don’t want to be on the bleeding 
> edge but I don’t want to be stuck at Qt 5.x forever, either”.  After all, the 
> vast majority of Linux installs are still running Qt 5.5.  Maybe this is 
> where variants could help.  I don’t have a good solution.
> Craig

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