On May 25, 2018, at 21:28, Renee Otten wrote:

> On May 25, 2018, at 3:48 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Replacement doesn't work (doesn't show up in "port outdated") unless the 
>> version or revision of the replacement is higher. So you want "0.7.6_1" 
>> here, to be higher than the 0.7.6_0 (version 0.7.6 revision 0) in the 
>> py-alabaster port.
>> The same goes for other ports you've obsoleted recently: py-snowballstemmer, 
>> py-pkgconfig.
>> Please keep the list of ports in the py-graveyard port sorted in 
>> alphabetical order.
> I looked at some examples and thought I understood how to do it, but 
> apparently not.

A "port" can move between Portfiles as needed. All that matters is that, from 
the user's point of view (the user doesn't care which Portfile the port is 
defined in), its version or revision increases.

> Just to make sure I get it now, let’s consider the imaginary “py-port” that 
> is at version 1.0 (revision line not present) and the two following 
> situations:
> 1. obsolete subport py26 without a newer version
> I remove the py26 subport from the py-port Portfile and add “py-port    1.0_1 
>    26” to py-graveyard.

Assuming the py-port was at revision 0 before, that would be correct. If the 
py-port was at a different revision, then when you move the replaced subport to 
py-graveyard, make sure its revision (the number after the "_") is one higher 
than its revision was when it was in the py-port.

> Do I need to increase the revision in the py-port Portfile as well or not?

No. At that point, the replaced subport lives only in py-graveyard, and no 
longer in py-port, so only what you do in py-graveyard has any influence over 

> 2. obsolete subport py26 and at the same time update the version to 1.1
> I remove the py26 subport from the py-port Portfile, update it to the latest 
> version, and add “py-port    1.1    26” to py-graveyard.

That's probably what I'd do. It would also be fine to put it in py-graveyard as 
1.0_1, so long as that's greater than what that subport used before.

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