On 5/31/18 21:24 , Joshua Root wrote:
> On 2018-6-1 03:21 , iEFdev wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have some 5-6 ports that show this (gptfdisk, flac, etc.). Do you have
>> an example how to use the cxx_stdlib_overridden.tcl, or are there any
>> documentation to read more how to use it. Sorry, if it's obvious, but I
>> couldn't find it.
>> /// Since I'm using 10.7.5 with the CXX-fix
>> <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/LibcxxOnOlderSystems#LionandMountainLion>,
>> I'm not really sure if it the port(s) or my setup that triggers it.//
> cxx_stdlib_overridden.tcl is a script that runs automatically when
> MacPorts base is installed. It sets up some metadata in the registry.
> The ports that rev-upgrade is newly finding to be broken are those that
> have configure.cxx_stdlib set to libc++ but in fact link with libstdc++,
> or vice versa. These need to be fixed by either making them link with
> the selected stdlib (preferred), or changing configure.cxx_stdlib to
> match what they are actually using.
Thanks Josh,

I made a quick test on flac, adding:

# flac is using libstdc++ (this installation is configured to use libc++)
configure.cxx_stdlib libstdc++

…and the rev-upgrade let it pass.

> Please open tickets or better yet PRs for affected ports.
> - Josh

Since I'm on an older system, with libcxx set in my config files - wouldn't a
ticket be a better option in case this is a no-error? Perhaps it should be
wrapped around a check for what macos version, etc?

When searching I saw this one (non-related):

So perhaps something like:

if {[string equal ${configure.cxx_stdlib} "libc++"]} {
    configure.cxx_stdlib libstdc++

Would that be a better approach?

· Eric

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