Trying to build the help manual for reduce and the log indicates the following 

:info:build This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182818 (TeX Live 2018/MacPorts 
2018.47642_4) (preloaded base=mf)
:info:build kpathsea: Running mktexmf ecrm1095
:info:build ! I can't find file `ecrm1095'.
:info:build <*> ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1095
:info:build Please type another input file name
:info:build ! Emergency stop.
:info:build <*> ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1095
:info:build Transcript written on mfput.log.
:info:build grep: ecrm1095.log: No such file or directory

The file in question is part of the texlive-ec bundle which does not have its 
own port. Could it be part of another texlive port? Not sure which one.

BTW, I already have the following texlive ports installed:

  texlive-basic @47434_0+doc (active)
  texlive-bin @2018.47642_4+x11 (active)
  texlive-bin-extra @47446_0+doc (active)
  texlive-common @2018_0 (active)
  texlive-fonts-extra @47288_0+doc (active)
  texlive-formats-extra @47198_0+doc (active)
  texlive-latex @47377_0+doc (active)
  texlive-latex-extra @47410_0+doc (active)
  texlive-latex-recommended @47392_0+doc (active)
  texlive-pictures @47373_0+doc (active)
  texlive-plain-generic @47437_0+doc (active)

Mark Brethen

> On Sep 15, 2018, at 10:47 PM, Joshua Root <> wrote:
> On 2018-9-16 13:34 , Mark Brethen wrote:
>> I’m trying to update the master_sites and distname for reduce-algebra port 
>> but can’t seem to make it work. The sourceforge url is:
>> projects/reduce-algebra/files/snapshot_2018-04-06/macintosh/Reduce-source_4567.tar.bz2/download
>> but the log shows:
>> version:1
>> :debug:sysinfo macOS 10.12 (darwin/16.7.0) arch i386
>> :debug:sysinfo MacPorts 2.5.3
>> :debug:sysinfo Xcode 9.2
>> :debug:sysinfo SDK 10.12
>> :debug:sysinfo MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: 10.12
>> :debug:main Executing org.macports.main (reduce-common)
>> :debug:main dropping privileges: euid changed to 502, egid changed to 501.
>> :debug:fetch fetch phase started at Sat Sep 15 22:28:51 CDT 2018
>> :notice:fetch --->  Fetching distfiles for reduce-common
>> :warn:fetch Your DNS servers incorrectly claim to know the address of 
>> nonexistent hosts. This may cause checksum mismatches for some ports. See 
>> this page for more information: 
>> <>
>> :debug:fetch Executing proc-pre-org.macports.fetch-fetch-0
>> :debug:fetch Executing org.macports.fetch (reduce-common)
>> :info:fetch --->  Reduce-source_4567.tar.bz2 does not exist in 
>> /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/reduce
>> :notice:fetch --->  Attempting to fetch Reduce-source_4567.tar.bz2 from 
>> :debug:fetch Fetching distfile failed: The requested URL returned error: 404 
>> Not Found
>> :notice:fetch --->  Attempting to fetch Reduce-source_4567.tar.bz2 from 
> Looks like it should use something like:
> set svnrev            4567
> distname                Reduce-source_${svnrev}
> master_sites
> sourceforge:project/reduce-algebra/snapshot_${version_dashes}/macintosh
> - Josh

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