On 2019-1-23 00:48 , Marcus Calhoun-Lopez wrote:
> In trying to fix one bug [1], I seem to have created another [2].
> I have been unable to fix the second bug, so I am revisiting the first.
> When building, octave tries to open a window (using Qt).
> As far as I can tell, this caused an error with the buildbots [1].
> Is it true that the buildbots cannot open a window?

Yes. Trying to do things that require a GUI will be a problem on any
"headless" system. There have been a few other ports that ran into
similar issues, e.g. <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/26686>.

> If so, can anyone think of a workaround?

Well it boils down to "don't try to open a window". Unfortunately I have
no idea how you would go about that with Qt or Octave. Maybe check other
distros for patches? Headless build servers are not uncommon.

- Josh

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