

I would be grateful if anyone interested took a look and commented. If I don't get any negative feedback I'll likely just merge by the w/e.

cheers Chris

On 07/03/2019 12:29 pm, Christopher Jones wrote:

Thanks for your feedback.

Just to expand a bit, the port I am working on just takes the Pypi who, and installs that into the macports python builds. See for instance


As we are just taking the pre-pared releases from PyPi, and installing them, I was assuming that if that’s OK for PyPi its OK for us, as we ae only doing what pip users would anyway do.

PyTorch can take advantage of these libraries, but it can also build without them if needed. Its just not as efficient. So if people really where un easy the MKL dependency could be dropped.

Also note I was looking at the FAQ


regarding the license.

cheers Chris

On 7 Mar 2019, at 12:15 pm, Joshua Root <j...@macports.org <mailto:j...@macports.org>> wrote:

On 2019-3-7 21:43 , Christopher Jones wrote:
Hi All,

I am looking to setup some new ports, that will provide in macports
access to the Intel Math Kernel Library and headers (for use by another
port later on, PyTorch).

The license for this is the Intel Simplifed Software license


Which on a scan through the ports tree I don’t think we current use
anywhere, unless I missed it ?

Reading the above, (and based on PyPi’s distribution of it), I believe
it is fully distributable, so I am wondering what would be the correct
way to define the license, and allow the macports binary tarballs to be
distributable ? Currently I have arbitrarily set the license in the ports to

# https://software.intel.com/en-us/license/intel-simplified-software-license
license             ISSL

So I just made up a new license.

Any suggestions on the right thing to do here ?

Also, the PyTorch port that I want to be able to use these will be BSD
licensed, and I would like to try and make sure this is also
distributable, so make sure the deps on the MKL ports does not prevent this.

This license is nonfree because it doesn't allow distribution of
modified versions, and because "No reverse engineering, decompilation,
or disassembly of this Software is permitted." We can still have it in
MacPorts, but be very careful not to patch it in any way. The license
option should be set to "Restrictive/Distributable".

The BSD license itself has no problem with being combined with more
restrictive licenses (provided they don't prohibit doing the few things
that the BSD license requires), but the "without modification"
stipulation in the Intel license is potentially problematic. The FSF
maintains that if program A is linked to program B, then A is a
derivative work of B, and a derivative work could be viewed as a
modified version.

I have no idea whether Intel shares the FSF's view on that point, or if
they would care to take action based on it. The effects of Intel's
license on software that uses their library would be something you'd
have to ask a lawyer (possibly Intel's) about.

- Josh

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