Just remember that "${destroot}" will not exist until the "destroot" phase 
unless it is created in the Portfile script. If you need a different build 
directory than that provided by the CMake PG, then you can in the Portfile 
create some other directory & my advice would be to place it in the top level 
"${worksrcpath}" directory -- which is where the "build" directory is placed. 
Not sure why one would need this, but maybe there's a use-case I'm not 
imagining. Good luck! - MLD

On Thu, May 2, 2019, at 3:20 PM, Ao Liu wrote:
> Ummmmm. Good to know that. 
> I think what I would like to do can be achieved by smartly using ${destroot} 
> to deploy a new build dir and move the files to where I would like. In this 
> case the build happens in the work dir and will eventually end up in where I 
> want it to be.
> As I suggested in a recent ticket - it would be nice for the website to 
> explain the ${destroot} variable in more details. Helps the developer to 
> build powerful stuff. 
> Thanks for the replies folks!
> Ao

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