I got the feeling Travis was on it's way out - maybe I'll dig into Azure
Pipelines to see what can be done with them, I've been meaning to anyway
for myself.

Using our own buildbot servers would be pretty cool, where are they hosted?
And they go pretty far back, don't they.

I've been taking a lot of notes as I learn, at some point, I want to turn
it into docs - but right now it's an unorganized mess of random trivia.


On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 7:04 PM Mojca Miklavec <mo...@macports.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 20 May 2019 at 00:05, Mark Anderson wrote:
> >
> > Yeah. I don’t like that really. I’ll live with it. I think I can trigger
> from Travis, if I want to.
> >
> > Are we looking to move over to azure pipelines permanently or do we want
> to try and see what can be done on the Travis side.
> Personally I wouldn't spend a tiny bit of effort on Travis, at least
> not for port building. Most of the builds time out, and there isn't
> all that much that can be done about it. Add to that the fact that
> they fired most developers recently ...
> What I miss from Azure though is the nice report with the summary of
> builds, similar to what we get from Travis (the reports are done by
> our own code, written by @l2dy). @l2dy already explained that he
> cannot get the same kind of hooks from Azure (or something along those
> lines, I forgot the details).
> If anyone is willing to spend extra effort, another thing would be to
> work on automated builds on self-hosted buildbot workers, but done in
> a safe way, which means that we need to implement starting & stopping
> VMs with older versions of macOS (as old as it gets) for each PR.
> Rajdeep, out GSOC student this year, might work on this a tiny bit,
> but his primary task will be something else, so it's unclear how much
> could be done within the scope of the GSOC (it's more of an extension
> goal).
> Mojca

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