Hi all,

I want to remind everyone about when you should increase a port's revision and 
when you should not. Please don't increase revisions unnecessarily because it 
wastes time on our build servers and on users systems.

You SHOULD increase a port's revision if a user who already has the port 
installed should be prompted to reinstall the port with those changes. The most 
frequent reason is if you are changing the files installed by the port. 

* Adding a dependency on a library that the port would use opportunistically
* Linking with a new version of a dependency's library
* Adding a patchfile that changes files that will be installed
* Adding documentation files
* Renaming or relocating files or directories that are installed
* Removing a variant
* Adding a variant to the port's default_variants

You SHOULD increase a port's revision if you are adding or removing library or 
runtime dependencies, because those are recorded in the registry. Examples:

* A port X requires libpng but this was not declared in X's portfile. If the 
user happened to have libpng installed already then X builds fine but in the 
registry MacPorts has not recorded that X uses libpng because it doesn't know 
that. As a result, the user would be able to uninstall libpng and MacPorts 
would not warn the user that this would break X. Increase the revision when 
adding the dependency on libpng so that the user must reinstall the port so 
that the correct dependencies get into the registry.

You SHOULD NOT increase a port's revision if your change will not change 
anything for users who already have the port installed. Examples:

* Setting or changing the port's license
* Fixing a build failure, for example adding a build dependency like pkgconfig 
if the port would fail to build without it
* Removing an unneeded build dependency
* Adding a new non-default variant
* Removing a variant from the port's default_variants (variants are preserved 
on upgrades)
* Fixing a typo in a comment in the Portfile
* Changing the whitespace of the Portfile

Subports are a complication. A single Portfile might define several subports. 
Think carefully when you change revisions which subports the change should 
apply to.

For example, a simple python module port has subports for several versions of 
python but they are all for the same version of that python module. It makes 
sense to have a single version line and a single revision line beneath that and 
to increase the revision for all of the subports at the same time. But other 
python module ports may be more complicated, offering a newer version of the 
python module on newer python versions and an older version of the module on 
older python versions. In that case there are two version lines and two 
revision lines, and you must think carefully about which of the two revision 
lines, or both, should be increased for any particular change. For example if 
you are adding a missing dependency to the new version of the python module but 
that dependency is not used by the old version, you would only be increasing 
the revision of the new version.

In "regular" ports that use subports (i.e. not python/php/perl modules), don't 
forget that the main port is a subport too. In a portfile that has subports, 
just because there's a version line at the top of the portfile doesn't mean you 
should necessarily add a revision line right below it. Instead, define separate 
revision lines for each subport, including the main port:

if {${subport} eq ${name} {
    revision        0

subport foo {
    revision        0


subport bar {
    revision        0


Do include a "revision 0" line, even though that is the default. That way it is 
easy for you and other developers who might have need to modify your port to 
see exactly where revisions could be set. It also makes it easier for tools 
that automatically bump revisions to do so correctly.

Many developers seem to have been under the impression that it is necessary to 
increase the revision in order to get the buildbot to retry a build. That is 
not the case.

Every commit sends a notification to the buildbot. The buildbot doesn't look at 
the content of the commit except to determine which ports' source directories 
were modified. It updates to the latest version of macports-ports and then 
checks if an archive already exists on the right server for the those ports. If 
not, it builds and uploads them. The archive name contains the port's name, 
version, revision, variants, platform name and version, and archs, so if any of 
those changes (including if the port's default_variants have changed) a new 
build will be started.

"The right server" means the public server for ports whose license indicates 
that they are distributable and a private server for ports that are not 
distributable. If a commit is made that changes a port's distributability, that 
changes what "the right server" is and so it will trigger a build and upload to 
the new right server if needed.

If you increase a port's revision unnecessarily, you should not revert that 
change because some users may already have installed the port with the new 

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