> Am 15.08.2020 um 09:47 schrieb Eric F (iEFdev) <e...@iefdev.se>:
> Doesn't the port `ghc` do exactly this? 
> https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/blob/master/lang/ghc/Portfile#L31-L33
> <https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/blob/master/lang/ghc/Portfile#L31-L33>

Yes, looks like it does. Three more seem to work that way, too, `mate-icons` 
even in reverse mode:

`port echo variant:rebuild variant:prebuilt

> The variant name is: +prebuilt

I like that name for its conciseness, lack of an underscore and correct tense. 

> Besides that… Haven't followed this discussion very closely, but I think I'm 
> more into what
> [I think] someone said earlier - that MP should try to build everything, or 
> try to fix it so it can.

Yes, I think we all agree on that. This thread is about those cases where it's 
not feasible to build from source, yet providing the port is desirable.

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