and if we're coding this in somewhere to get all systems, it's this:

xcode-select -print-path

I already fixed that particular thing in base once, so somewhere in base this 
is already being called...


On 2020-10-09, at 1:14 PM, Andrew Janke wrote:

> Just one data point here, but as a sometimes Mac developer, I need to have 
> multiple versions of Xcode installed side-by-side, and always rename them to 
> Xcode-<version>.app; there's no /Applications/ on my boxes. This 
> isn't a standard thing, so on my system, `xcode-select -p` is the only 
> reliable way of locating my Xcodes. I think other devs from the Homebrew side 
> do the same thing, so you may have users in a similar situation too.
> I believe that calling `xcode-select -p` is the standard system-provided way 
> of locating Xcode and/or its related toolchain.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
> On 10/9/20 3:58 PM, Christopher Chavez wrote:
>> Can MacPorts hardcode references to, by assuming it is at 
>> /Applications/ (as when installed from the App Store), and/or that 
>> it will remain wherever it was found and won't ever be moved/deleted?
>> I would think the answer is "no": it is outside of MacPorts' control, and 
>> some users have reason to switch between multiple installed Xcode versions.
>> See . I think I have come 
>> across other instances of this issue, but can't remember where.
>> Christopher A. Chavez

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