Nils Breunese <> wrote:

> Every time MacPorts tries to install the p5.28-locale-gettext port on my Big 
> Sur 11.0.1 machine, the OS crashes and the Problem Reporter shows the crash 
> report below. Does installing this port work for others on Big Sur 11.0.1? 
> Any ideas?
> [cut]

I can reproduce the crash by running 'sudo port install p5.28-locale-gettext' 
and waiting for approximately 3 minutes, which seems to correspond to the 180 
seconds from the error in the crash report ("panic(cpu 8 caller 
0xffffff8003753a13): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from in 180 seconds”).

I found this crash also occurs when trying to install p5.28-error, so it might 
actually be a problem related to all perl5 modules.

Debug output:

% sudo port -d install p5.28-locale-gettext
DEBUG: Copying /Users/nbreunese/Library/Preferences/ to 
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: 
DEBUG: OS darwin/20.1.0 (macOS 11.0) arch i386
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 from 
DEBUG: Re-registering default for configure.universal_args
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup perl5 1.0 from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup clang_dependency 1.0 from 
DEBUG: Re-registering default for livecheck.version
DEBUG: adding the default universal variant
DEBUG: Reading variant descriptions from 
DEBUG: Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: dropping privileges: euid changed to 502, egid changed to 501.
DEBUG: Starting logging for p5.28-locale-gettext
DEBUG: macOS 11.0 (darwin/20.1.0) arch i386
DEBUG: MacPorts 2.6.4
DEBUG: Xcode 12.2
DEBUG: epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0
DEBUG: perl5.28 5.28.3_0 exists in the ports tree
DEBUG: perl5.28 5.28.3_0  is the latest installed
DEBUG: perl5.28 5.28.3_0  is active
DEBUG: Merging existing variants '' into variants
DEBUG: new fully merged portvariants:
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: 
DEBUG: OS darwin/20.1.0 (macOS 11.0) arch i386
DEBUG: Re-registering default for configure.universal_args
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup perl5 1.0 from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup clang_dependency 1.0 from 
DEBUG: adding the default universal variant
DEBUG: Reading variant descriptions from 
DEBUG: Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: No need to upgrade! perl5.28 5.28.3_0 >= perl5.28 5.28.3_0
DEBUG: epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0
DEBUG: db48 4.8.30_4 exists in the ports tree
DEBUG: db48 4.8.30_4  is the latest installed
DEBUG: db48 4.8.30_4  is active
DEBUG: Merging existing variants '' into variants
DEBUG: new fully merged portvariants:
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: 
DEBUG: OS darwin/20.1.0 (macOS 11.0) arch i386
DEBUG: Reading variant descriptions from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup clang_dependency 1.0 from 
DEBUG: universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one
DEBUG: Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: No need to upgrade! db48 4.8.30_4 >= db48 4.8.30_4
DEBUG: epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0
DEBUG: gdbm 1.18.1_1 exists in the ports tree
DEBUG: gdbm 1.18.1_1  is the latest installed
DEBUG: gdbm 1.18.1_1  is active
DEBUG: Merging existing variants '' into variants
DEBUG: new fully merged portvariants:
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: 
DEBUG: OS darwin/20.1.0 (macOS 11.0) arch i386
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup clang_dependency 1.0 from 
DEBUG: adding the default universal variant
DEBUG: Reading variant descriptions from 
DEBUG: Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: No need to upgrade! gdbm 1.18.1_1 >= gdbm 1.18.1_1
DEBUG: epoch: in tree: 2 installed: 2
DEBUG: gettext exists in the ports tree
DEBUG: gettext  is the latest installed
DEBUG: gettext  is active
DEBUG: Merging existing variants '' into variants
DEBUG: new fully merged portvariants:
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: 
DEBUG: OS darwin/20.1.0 (macOS 11.0) arch i386
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 from 
DEBUG: Reading variant descriptions from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup clang_dependency 1.0 from 
DEBUG: compiler clang 1200.0.32.27 not blacklisted because it doesn't match 
{clang < 211.10.1}
DEBUG: universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one
DEBUG: Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: No need to upgrade! gettext >= gettext
DEBUG: epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0
DEBUG: libiconv 1.16_1 exists in the ports tree
DEBUG: libiconv 1.16_1  is the latest installed
DEBUG: libiconv 1.16_1  is active
DEBUG: Merging existing variants '' into variants
DEBUG: new fully merged portvariants:
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: 
DEBUG: OS darwin/20.1.0 (macOS 11.0) arch i386
DEBUG: Reading variant descriptions from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup clang_dependency 1.0 from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup xcodeversion 1.0 from 
DEBUG: universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one
DEBUG: Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: No need to upgrade! libiconv 1.16_1 >= libiconv 1.16_1
DEBUG: epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0
DEBUG: ncurses 6.2_0 exists in the ports tree
DEBUG: ncurses 6.2_0  is the latest installed
DEBUG: ncurses 6.2_0  is active
DEBUG: Merging existing variants '' into variants
DEBUG: new fully merged portvariants:
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: 
DEBUG: OS darwin/20.1.0 (macOS 11.0) arch i386
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup clang_dependency 1.0 from 
DEBUG: adding the default universal variant
DEBUG: Reading variant descriptions from 
DEBUG: Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: No need to upgrade! ncurses 6.2_0 >= ncurses 6.2_0
DEBUG: epoch: in tree: 0 installed: 0
DEBUG: readline 8.0.000_0 exists in the ports tree
DEBUG: readline 8.0.000_0  is the latest installed
DEBUG: readline 8.0.000_0  is active
DEBUG: Merging existing variants '' into variants
DEBUG: new fully merged portvariants:
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: 
DEBUG: OS darwin/20.1.0 (macOS 11.0) arch i386
DEBUG: Reading variant descriptions from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup muniversal 1.0 from 
DEBUG: Sourcing PortGroup clang_dependency 1.0 from 
DEBUG: universal variant already exists, so not adding the default one
DEBUG: Running callback portconfigure::add_automatic_compiler_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portbuild::add_automatic_buildsystem_dependencies
DEBUG: Finished running callback 
DEBUG: Running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: Finished running callback portstartupitem::add_notes
DEBUG: No need to upgrade! readline 8.0.000_0 >= readline 8.0.000_0
--->  Computing dependencies for p5.28-locale-gettext
DEBUG: p5.28-locale-gettext has no conflicts
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: perl5.28
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for perl5.28
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: gettext
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for gettext
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: libiconv
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for libiconv
DEBUG: Executing org.macports.main (p5.28-locale-gettext)
DEBUG: dropping privileges: euid changed to 502, egid changed to 501.
DEBUG: archivefetch phase started at Sat Nov 14 01:13:17 CET 2020
--->  Fetching archive for p5.28-locale-gettext
DEBUG: Executing org.macports.archivefetch (p5.28-locale-gettext)
DEBUG: euid/egid changed to: 0/0
DEBUG: chowned /opt/local/var/macports/incoming to macports
DEBUG: euid/egid changed to: 502/501
--->  p5.28-locale-gettext-1.70.0_0.darwin_20.x86_64.tbz2 doesn't seem to exist 
in /opt/local/var/macports/incoming/verified
--->  Attempting to fetch p5.28-locale-gettext-1.70.0_0.darwin_20.x86_64.tbz2 
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
DEBUG: Fetching archive failed: The requested URL returned error: 404
--->  Attempting to fetch p5.28-locale-gettext-1.70.0_0.darwin_20.x86_64.tbz2 
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
DEBUG: Fetching archive failed: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
--->  Attempting to fetch p5.28-locale-gettext-1.70.0_0.darwin_20.x86_64.tbz2 
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
DEBUG: Fetching archive failed: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
DEBUG: Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root.
DEBUG: fetch phase started at Sat Nov 14 01:13:18 CET 2020
--->  Fetching distfiles for p5.28-locale-gettext
DEBUG: Executing org.macports.fetch (p5.28-locale-gettext)
--->  gettext-1.07.tar.gz does not exist in 

And then nothing happens for about 3 minutes and then the machine reboots and 
comes back with the crash report from the original post.


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