Rosetta translation is a per-process thing–you cannot use an Apple silicon 
library directly in an Intel process.

> On Jan 13, 2021, at 11:41, Craig Treleaven <> wrote:
>> On Jan 11, 2021, at 9:07 PM, Ryan Schmidt <> wrote:
>> On Jan 11, 2021, at 19:38, Craig Treleaven wrote:
>>> A user with a new Apple Silicon-based Mac had a go at building mythtv.28.  
>>> It failed thusly:
>>> --->  Computing dependencies for mythtv.28
>>> Error: Cannot install mythtv-core.28 for the arch 'x86_64' because
>>> Error: its dependency logrotate does not build for the required arch by
>>> default
>>> Given Rosetta2 on these systems, isn’t this a bogus error?  On M1 Macs, we 
>>> might warn that a dependency is being built for an arch different from that 
>>> of the main target but why should it be a fatal error?
>>> What was done during the PPC to Intel transition? Did we try to force all 
>>> deps of a port to build with the same arch?
>> MacPorts 2.6.4 is supposed to support all possible arch demotions. On arm64, 
>> you're supposed to be able to run x86_64. On x86_64, you're supposed to be 
>> able to run i386. On i386, you're supposed to be able to run ppc. Some of 
>> this was already in place before, and it was enhanced for 2.6.4 in this 
>> commit:
>> See this ticket:
>> Installing a port for a demoted architecture would require its dependencies 
>> to be installed universal. MacPorts is trying to install the dependencies 
>> universal and is failing on logrotate because it does not have a universal 
>> variant. The solution is to add a universal variant to logrotate. 
>> Alternately, if logrotate does not install any libraries (and it looks like 
>> it does not), add "installs_libs no" to the logrotate portfile so that 
>> MacPorts knows it does not need to check its architecture. Or if logrotate 
>> does install libraries but whichever one of mythtv.28's dependencies depends 
>> on logrotate (looks like it's mythtv-core.28) doesn't link with any of its 
>> libraries, add "depends_skip_archcheck logrotate" to mythtv-core.28.
> Am I incorrect that Rosetta2 does NOT require library dependencies to be the 
> same arch as the main program?  I thought I understood that an X86_64 program 
> could call an arm64 library (and vice versa) and that Rosetta2 would do the 
> right thing at run time.  If so, MacPorts does not have to supply a 
> mult-arch/universal library.
> I understand that Rosetta2 is not going to around forever—maybe 2 to 5 years. 
>  However, if it does automatically translate libraries at run time, that 
> would permit quite a number of ports to work immediately.  No?
> Craig

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