On Mar 9, 2021, at 22:06, Dave Allured wrote:

> While the ports website is not updating, is there an easy way for me to 
> access build logs for new builds that fail for specific ports?  It's not 
> critical but would help me stay on track.

Nope. If the build happened within the past day or so, and especially if you're 
looking for a build on a specific builder, it can be not too tedious to go page 
by page through the buildbot waterfall until you find it. For example, if 
you're looking for macOS 11 arm64 builds you can look through this:


Use your web browser's find function to search for the port name within that 
page. If it's not found, click the "next page" link at the bottom left of the 
page and repeat. This is basically what we had to do to find build information 
before the ports web site existed and is one of the reasons why the ports web 
site was created.

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