On 19/04/2021 15.14, Steven Smith wrote:
If you have contacts to tech reporters, please use them. I don't have any. If 
Ars Technica or any other news site wants to cover MacPorts, they can do that 
any time.

This is the wrong attitude.

MacPorts must tell them, not some random user/contributer like me.

In my opinion, users have to spread the word to make MacPorts more popular.

And the press likely won’t think an issue is important or interesting enough to 
cover if the related organization doesn’t think it’s interesting enough to post 
an announcement about it.

They are much more likely to post an article if they know users will be interested in it.

So, if MacPorts were to make an announcement now, what would you put in there? Can you show us a draft? "MacPorts works like it always has" is barely newsworthy.


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