I have encountered another obstacle as a Portfile newbie.

I am breaking a single upstream codebase into subports. I want each subport to contribute some of the overall complement of files. But the "make install" of the codebase installs more files than I want. Thus I think the right thing to do is to declare a post-destroot which delete the excess files from each subport.

My Portfile has an entry like this:

    post-destroot {
        set sharedir ${prefix}/share
        delete ${prefix}/lib/libfreeciv.a
        delete ${sharedir}/doc ${sharedir}/man ${sharedir}/locale

But, when I run "sudo port destroot freeciv-server", then look at what I believe is the destroot:

ls $(port work freeciv-server)/destroot/opt/local/share

the directories which I wanted to delete are still present.

I look in the main.log for this subport. I don't see any diagnostics from those delete directives.

How can I remove the unwanted files from what the port installs? How can I make these delete directives effective?

Thank you in advance for your help. Best regards,
     —Jim DeLaHunt

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