Thanks Ken and Jason!

This is helpful (now I just need to figure out why a couple of tests fail when 
run this way vs. when run against the installed libraries).

I was worried that the installed rpath would be different with 
CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH:BOOL=OFF, but it looks like it gets set to 
$prefix in destroot, so the installed binaries are fine.

> On Sep 28, 2021, at 11:38 AM, Jason Liu <> wrote:
> In addition to the code Ken just provided, he and others have helped me with 
> some test-related "protection" code, so that in addition to a +tests variant, 
> there is the following section of code (I usually place it after any 
> build-related sections, and before any destroot-related sections, in order to 
> keep my portfiles laid out in the same order as the port phases):
> pre-test {
>     if {![variant_isset tests]} {
>         ui_error "'tests' variant must be activated to enable test support"
>         error "Please enable the 'tests' variant and try again"
>     }
> }
> -- 
> Jason Liu
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 11:13 AM Ken Cunningham 
> <> wrote:
> On 2021-09-28 7:44 a.m., Daniel J. Luke wrote:
> > On Sep 20, 2021, at 10:20 AM, Daniel J. Luke <> wrote:
> >> On Sep 20, 2021, at 8:15 AM, Frank Dean <> wrote:
> >>> Daniel J. Luke <> writes:
> >>>> The newest version of clamav uses cmake for builds. In the 'configure' 
> >>>> stage, I have it disabling tests because otherwise it won't build 
> >>>> without the test dependencies installed (check and pytest).
> >>>>
> >>>> Do we have a template or example of a canonical way to handle this? I 
> >>>> don't see an obvious hook for when someone is running `port test` to 
> >>>> change configure.args (I could, of course, add a 
> >>>> post-extract/pre-configure and do some non-declaritive test to see if 
> >>>> `port test` is being run and use that to branch - but that feels like a 
> >>>> bad design choice).
> >>> The rapidjson port implements a 'tests' variant to handle a similar
> >>> situation.  I used the same pattern for the libosmium port.  The tests
> >>> can then be run with `sudo port -d test current +tests`.
> >> That works, I guess.
> >>
> >> Is there interest in having base auto-add +tests if `port test` is called? 
> >> (I haven't looked at base/ code in a while, but it seems possible). I like 
> >> to imagine a future where we have enough infrastructure that we would run 
> >> `port test` for any ports that have set.
> > On this same train of thought - clamav tests run against the installed 
> > libraries (like some other ports tend to do) - in long-ago times I'd solve 
> > this by setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH - but since SIP started removing these 
> > that no longer works normally. I think trace mode has a(n elaborate) 
> > workaround where it copies binaries and executes the copies, but that 
> > doesn't seem like something I should implement in a portfile ;-) [This is 
> > another instance where if trace mode were the default, things would 'just 
> > work']
> >
> > Has anyone else already solved this?
> The way our cmake PortGroup sets things up, running tests is harder. You 
> can configure cmake to allow testing to find the libraries in the build 
> tree. See for example what I did in libcbor:
> variant tests description {enable tests} {
>      depends_test-append         port:cmocka
>      configure.args-append       -DWITH_TESTS=ON
>      configure.pre_args-replace -DCMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH:BOOL=ON \
>            yes
>         test
> }
> Ken

Daniel J. Luke

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