On 2022-1-14 04:12 , Jason Liu wrote:
Hi all,

A hopefully quick and simple question regarding 'supported_archs noarch'. Is 'noarch' meant to specify that the build itself isn't supposed to be architecture-specific, or does it mean that the final output products are not architecture-specific?

Strictly speaking it refers to the installed files, but it's pretty unusual to require specific archs during build but only install noarch files. (BTW, not installing any Mach-O files doesn't guarantee that a port is noarch - it's possible to have architecture-specific information in other file types.)

I have a subport that basically runs through the entire build, including compiling the source code, but then in the end simply throws away those compiled objects, and the only files that are retained (i.e. staged into destroot) are the game data files, which are basically just a bunch of text files and images (which are not architecture-specific). It seems that the upstream developers wrote the makefiles this way because some of the game data files get generated during the compile process, and they never bothered to cleanly split off the generating of the game data files into a separate makefile that can be run by itself.

Whether this would work with the subport marked noarch depends on the build system and its dependencies. If it links with external libraries, not having them available for the right archs could certainly make the build fail (pointlessly, since the file failing to link won't be installed). That may be an uncommon case, but the best idea would be to see if there's a different Makefile target you can run that just builds and installs the data, and if not, maybe add one.

- Josh

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