On 2022-03-14 17:09, Steven Smith wrote:
I’m trying to update calendar-contacts-server to macOS 12.3. This requires installing a bunch of stuff with python2.7’s pip.

I’m hitting an SSLError at the command:

/opt/local/bin/python2.7 -m pip install -I --user setuptools==18.5

Is there a way of pointing MacPorts python2.7 pip at a set of up-to-date CAs? [Say e.g. from curl-ca-bundle?]

I recall discussion recently on either the macports-dev or the macports-user lists about SSL tools failing due to expiry of Let's Encrypt certificates. I can't locate a link to those threads quickly, and I'm not sure if it applies to your situation.

Have a look at

Is it helpful?

Best regards,
   --Jim DeLaHunt

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