
I'm self-bootstrapping ghc 9.4.2 using hadrian for deployment on MacPorts.

Running hadrian -f binary-dist throws this error:
> :info:build   "_iconv_close", referenced from:
> :info:build       _hs_iconv_close in libHSbase-
> :info:build      (maybe you meant: _hs_iconv_close)
> :info:build   "_iconv", referenced from:
> :info:build       _hs_iconv in libHSbase-

The archive file libHSbase- in the ghc install uses the undefined 
symbol _iconv_close; however, macOS 12.5.1 no longer appears to provide a 
system libiconv:
> ls /usr/lib/libiconv*
> ls: /usr/lib/libiconv*: No such file or directory

And port iconv provides the _libiconv_open symbol, not the _iconv_open symbol.

Is anyone aware of a solution to a missing libconv.dylib on recent macOS?

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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