> On 24 Sep 2022, at 3:52 pm, Arjun Salyan <ar...@macports.org> wrote:
> The output of "port info pciids” from the same Docker container says:
> Build Dependencies:   clang-3.4
> And the PortIndex on the same machine (generated using “-p macosx_19_i386”) 
> has:
> depends_build port:clang-15

right, but these are fake dependencies as per what you get on a real MacOS 
system. i.e. on macOS12 (but it will be the same on others)

MacVM109 ~ > port info pciids
pciids @2022.09.09 (sysutils)

Description:          This repository contains the history of the pci.ids file, 
which is automatically generated from the PCI ID Database at 
Homepage:             https://pci-ids.ucw.cz

Platforms:            darwin
License:              (GPL-2+ or BSD)
Maintainers:          Email: i0ntemp...@macports.org, GitHub: i0ntempest
                      Policy: openmaintainer

So no build deps.

So I go back to my original question. Why are these reps appearing when running 
this on linux.

The problem is its giving incorrect information on the web site w.r.t. what is 
actually needed on macOS.


> The MacPorts docker image used is 
> https://github.com/arjunsalyan/macports-ubuntu 
> <https://github.com/arjunsalyan/macports-ubuntu> (Docker hub:  
> https://hub.docker.com/r/arjunsalyan/macports-ubuntu 
> <https://hub.docker.com/r/arjunsalyan/macports-ubuntu> )
>> On 24-Sep-2022, at 3:10 PM, Chris Jones <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk 
>> <mailto:jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk>> wrote:
>>> On 24 Sep 2022, at 9:52 am, Mojca Miklavec <mojca.miklavec.li...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:mojca.miklavec.li...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 24 Sept 2022 at 10:30, Chris Jones wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have noticed the ports web site appears to give some odd looking 
>>>> dependencies between ports. Take as a random example
>>>> https://ports.macports.org/port/pciids/details/ 
>>>> <https://ports.macports.org/port/pciids/details/>
>>>> clang-15 is listed as a build dep. if you check the port file though I see 
>>>> no reason for this at all, in fact the port does not build anything and 
>>>> just installs a single file during destroot. So why does the site give the 
>>>> build dep it does ? Just running
>>>> port info pciids
>>>> On macOS12 does not give any deps, as expected.
>>>> I guess a probably related question is what OS is used to generate the 
>>>> deps, as these do vary across OSes, particularly build deps, and this is 
>>>> something the site does not take into account.
>>> The list is generated inside a Docker container (that is: on Linux),
>>> apparently with "-p macosx_19_i386":
>>> https://github.com/macports/macports-webapp/blob/22e548bd3dd05860f53e1d16899b1e8364c69796/app/parsing_scripts/git_update.py#L59
>>> <https://github.com/macports/macports-webapp/blob/22e548bd3dd05860f53e1d16899b1e8364c69796/app/parsing_scripts/git_update.py#L59>
>> Ah, it runs on linux..
>> subprocess.run(['portindex', '-p', 'macosx_19_i386', '-x'])
>> Do I understand the above correctly in that it is supposed to mimic a Darwin 
>> 19 machine ?
>> I think my question still remains, regardless of the arch why is clang-x 
>> being listed as a build dep, for a port that doesn’t need it ?
>> Chris
>>> Mojca

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