On 2022-9-26 07:36 , Chris Jones wrote:

On 25 Sep 2022, at 10:27 pm, Joshua Root <j...@macports.org> wrote:

On 2022-9-25 01:13 , Christopher Jones wrote:
On 24 Sep 2022, at 3:52 pm, Arjun Salyan <ar...@macports.org 
<mailto:ar...@macports.org>> wrote:

The output of "port info pciids” from the same Docker container says:
Can you please run
port -d info pciids
pipe the output to file and send it here ? I want to see if we can figure out 
what is leading port to decide to add these deps.

Compiler selection doesn't depend only on the platform, it looks at the actual 
versions (and existence) of the compilers available on the system. It's just 
another way in which a static PortIndex can't reflect the dynamic values of 
Portfile variables.

So to make this work as you want, you'd have to either make a way to inject a 
fake compiler_version_cache, or provide compiler executables (or something that 
looks like them) that report the desired versions on the system running 

Yeah I guessed as much.

Its always been a limitation of the site that it can only report the deps for a 
single platform, but its a bit of a shame that platform also isn’t actually a 
macOS version.

Instead of generating the portindex itself, running on linux, would it not work 
if instead it just grabbed the index from the macports buildbots, as also 
distributed to uses ? Say for the most recent OS. Using this instead of 
generating its own would at least make the results correct for one platform.

This should get rid of a lot of the questionable compiler deps on Linux at least: <https://github.com/macports/macports-base/commit/adb89e7e14d1ba6ac330077392eaef94e38f76cf>

- Josh

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