On Sat, 15 Oct 2022, Joshua Root wrote:
On 2022-10-14 18:13 , Ken Cunningham wrote:
the only other thing I noticed was that these helpful pre-fetch messages were no longer being displayed:

https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/blob/c7a8d3cf75b8b48a90139cbb35e385bb7bcbd165/x11/xorg-server/Portfile#L103 <https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/blob/c7a8d3cf75b8b48a90139cbb35e385bb7bcbd165/x11/xorg-server/Portfile#L103>

Instead there was just a message saying the build was known to fail, but try anyway?

But the instructions about what to actually do are gone now…

Perhaps no way around that?

In that particular case, the solution is to set `replaced_by xorg-server-legacy` instead of erroring in pre-fetch. As of 2.8, replaced_by will be followed when installing as well as when upgrading.

IMO, it should ask before following replaced_by, since replaced_by is sometimes a matter of opinion. For example, sometimes "port X is replaced by port Y" really means "We don't want to bother supporting port X any more, so you should use port Y instead; if it doesn't meet your needs then that's too bad."

I can see why the ability to give an explanation more than "this is broken" is appealing, but it can't (easily) be done via pre-fetch messages while still resolving <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54787>. We need to figure out that ports are known_fail before processing their dependencies.

One annoyance that I've encountered is when a fetch dependency needs to be satisfied even when the distfile archive(s) is/are already present.

Fred Wright

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