Trying to sort out some builds that need a python, as python2.7 is now gone 
from /usr/bin on newer systems.

It looks like you can reliably use /usr/bin/python3 on these systems if you 
have either the CLTs or Xcode installed.

The version is currently 3.9.6 on Ventura, and may not be the same from release 
to release, but that may be OK for simple “needs a python” uses, like 
configuring llvm.

You folks OK with using this, or do you want the full python3.10 installation 

% DEVELOPER_DIR=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools /usr/bin/python3 --help
usage: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 

% /usr/bin/python3 --help
usage: /Applications/ 

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