Hi all!

Glad you took up this subject again. I have meant to return to this, but things 
always come between.

Just to clarify, my main objective is to *rename* the existing proj ports and 
the latest version would always be ‘proj’.

The ports that do not support the new 8+ API will still have its proper 
dependency (proj7, proj6 etc.).

In PROJ version 5 through 8 the API was transformed, this means with version 8 
the “old” API was abandoned.
SAGA, for example, still only support the old API, thus the proj version 7 is 
the latest one supported.


> On 8 Sep 2023, at 16:52, Sergey Fedorov <vital....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have obviously forgotten to try the new Proj with R ports back then, and 
> atm away from native PPC hardware; so from my side I would prefer not moving 
> to a newer Proj right-away.
> Switching to explicit proj5 port should be perfectly fine, of course. (And 
> then R ports won’t prevent anything else from updating.)
> New Proj should work with R packages, but let me wait until I can test that 
> on PPC.
> On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 9:38 PM Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate via macports-dev 
> <macports-dev@lists.macports.org <mailto:macports-dev@lists.macports.org>> 
> wrote:
> As a contributor to ncarg (proj5), I like this change.  Currently there are 
> only 10 ports that depend on the traditional "proj" which is really proj5 
> under the hood.  Collectively there are only 3 maintainers plus a few 
> nomaintainers, and Sergey has already approved for several of the R ports.
> So I see the migration for this group of "proj5" ports as quite simple.  As a 
> first step, could we add an explicit proj5 port, such that proj and proj5 
> co-exist temporarily and are exactly the same?  That could be done safely 
> now, with no impact on anything else.  Then after migration of those 10 
> ports, "proj" could be easily switched to the latest upstream version, as 
> proposed.
> On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 2:09 PM Sergey Fedorov <vital....@gmail.com 
> <mailto:vital....@gmail.com>> wrote:
> IMO that makes sense.
> My R ports are supposed to support more recent versions of Proj than 5, but 
> since that is untested locally (and also requires minor adjustments to 
> configure args besides swapping version number), it is perhaps safer to keep 
> them at Proj5 for now (I guess that is also simpler for you?).
> Then I can move them to a later or the current Proj in a while.
> On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 3:54 AM Nicklas Larsson via macports-dev 
> <macports-dev@lists.macports.org <mailto:macports-dev@lists.macports.org>> 
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'd like to propose to simplify the maintainance of the PROJ ports, which has
> become unnecessary cumbersome and in many cases leading to installments of
> multiple versions only because different ports are out-of-sync in respect to
> default proj variant.
> The PROJ ports available now:
> port    version
> ---------------
> proj4   4.9.3
> proj    5.2.0
> proj6   6.3.2
> proj7   7.2.1
> proj8   8.2.1
> proj9   9.2.1
> It would be better to use the port name 'proj' for the latest version 
> available
> (independent of major version), which now is version 9.2.1. The present port
> 'proj', which is version 5.2.0, should be renamed to 'proj5'. Like this:
> port    version
> ---------------
> proj4   4.9.3
> proj5   5.2.0
> proj6   6.3.2
> proj7   7.2.1
> proj8   8.2.1
> proj    9.2.1
> The day when there is a new major version, e.g. 10.0.0, the 'proj' port will 
> be
> updated accordingly and 'proj9' will keep the 9.x.y version:
> port    version
> ---------------
> proj4   4.9.3
> proj5   5.2.0
> proj6   6.3.2
> proj7   7.2.1
> proj8   8.2.1
> proj9   9.2.1
> proj    10.0.0
> The ports with 'proj' dependency, which are actively updated and maintained,
> will in this way be kept in sync with less risk of installing multiple 
> versions.
> Ports, which do not support later versions of PROJ, can keep the pinned 
> version.
> List of ports with proj[x] dependency:
> R/R-lwgeom                  path:lib/proj5/lib/pkgconfig/proj.pc:proj
> R/R-proj4                   path:lib/proj5/lib/pkgconfig/proj.pc:proj
> R/R-reproj                  path:lib/proj5/lib/pkgconfig/proj.pc:proj
> R/R-rgdal                   path:lib/proj5/lib/pkgconfig/proj.pc:proj
> R/R-sf                      path:lib/proj5/lib/pkgconfig/proj.pc:proj
> R/R-terra                   path:lib/proj5/lib/pkgconfig/proj.pc:proj
> R/R-vapour                  path:lib/proj5/lib/pkgconfig/proj.pc:proj
> databases/mysql55-lib_mysqludf_fproj4   port:proj4
> databases/postgis                       port:proj4
> databases/postgis2                      port:proj6
> databases/postgis3                      port:proj[6-9]
> databases/spatialite-tools              port:proj[6-9]
> databases/spatialite                    port:proj[6-9]
> gis/gdal                                port:proj[6-9]
> gis/grass                               port:proj[6-9]
> gis/grass7                              port:proj[6-9]
> gis/liblas                              port:proj[6-9]
> gis/libosmium                           port:proj4
> gis/mapnik                              port:proj4
> gis/mapserver                           port:proj[6-9]
> gis/mod_tile                            port:proj4
> gis/osm2pgsql                           port:proj8
> gis/qgis3                               port:proj[6-9]
> gis/qlandkarte                          port:proj4
> gis/qlandkartegt                        port:proj[4-7]
> gis/saga                                port:proj8
> graphics/libgeotiff                     port:proj[7-9]
> octave/octave-octproj                   port:proj8
> perl/p5-alien-proj                      port:proj[6-9]
> perl/p5-alien-proj4                     port:proj4
> python/py-cartopy                       port:proj8
> python/py-pyproj                        port:proj8
> python/py-spatialite                    port:proj4
> science/cdo                             port:proj8
> science/gerris                          port:proj
> science/magicspp                        port:proj6
> science/metview                         port:proj6
> science/ncarg                           port:proj
> science/relax3d                         port:proj7
> science/sumo                            port:proj4
> science/vapor                           port:proj4
> science/wgrib2                          port:proj8
> science/xastir                          port:proj4
> What do you think, could this be a good way to go forward?
> Suggestions, opinions?
> Best regards,
> Nicklas

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