> On 27 Sep 2023, at 12:32 pm, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
> On Sep 27, 2023, at 06:09, Christopher Jones wrote:
>> That just means they are *supported* on any drawn version. Each version 
>> still have its own build.
> But that's just what "any" means: they build identically on any OS version. 
> That's why only one single archive gets produced for these ports by the build 
> system. When MacPorts on any OS version installs such a port, they all grab 
> and untar the same file from the server. 

I had no idea we supported single tarballs for multiple OS versions. 

I must say, the distinction between

platforms { darwin any }


platforms {darwin >= 11}

which *does* result in specific tarballs for each OS is a bit too subtle for my 
tastes. I presume it’s the present of ‘any’ which is important here ?

Is the logic behind what all the various options we can now use with platforms 
documented somewhere ?

cheers Chris

> Nils is right in pointing out that there should be no need to reinstall those 
> ports when upgrading the OS, but nobody has written any code to make that 
> happen yet. For now, MacPorts will consider any port to need to be 
> reinstalled if it was installed on a different OS version, even if that port 
> is marked "any". 
>> b.t.w. When upgrading to a new major OS version, you anyway should follow 
>> the migration instructions, which involves manually removing all ports 
>> anyway.
> We do recommend that, but the piecemeal method Nils is using is also viable.

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