Ken, you are right about 10.6-ppc, of course, but in this particular case I
am having an issue with Sonoma.
Specifically, I cannot get Vidalia tests run with *sudo port test*. At the
same time, they run fine if I launch the test binary manually without sudo.

What fails:
1. sudo port test vidalia
2. sudo
3. sudo -u macports

What works fine:
2. sudo -u svacchanda
(that is, from a current non-root user).

(Portfile in the master has no support for tests, as of now, so running it
gonna fail anyway.)

On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 11:24 PM Ken Cunningham <> wrote:

> Some of your macports installations are installed as the root user,
> instead of the macports user.
> This happened because there is no installer for 10.6-ppc to automatically
> create the macports user. You have an open ticket about this too, where I
> pointed to the commands to be run to generate the macports user.
> Sooner or later you will probably have to fix this.

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