Le 21 Apr 2007 à 22:59, Ryan Schmidt a écrit :

On Apr 21, 2007, at 14:22, Алексей Муранов wrote:

is it possible to install an older version of a port, if the last one (installed the usual way) crashes?

Yes, but it takes a bit of effort:

- You could either look in the repository browser [1], find the source of the old portfile that you want, download it, and overwrite your local portfile for that port [2].

- Or you could use a Subversion working copy for your ports tree, and use "svn up" to backdate a port to a previous version.

But this is all really not how MacPorts is designed to be used. The intention is that there is one version of a port, it is the latest an greatest, and if it does not work, then we need to fix it so that it works. What port is crashing for you?

[1] http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/browser/trunk/dports

[2] locate it with "port file foo"

Ryan, thanks for your explanation, i might try to use your recommendations to install an earlier version of xfig.
I have a problem with the port of xfig 3.2.5-alpha5.
It crashes as only i try to open the drop-down menu File, or Edit, or maybe any menu at all.

About the man pages:
Gufo was right, i am able to see man pages for ports now as i have added directories to MANPATH in ~/.profile. By the way, it was not obvious for me where the "global" definition of environment variable were made, but now i know:
(see http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/ OSX_Technology_Overview/CommandLine/chapter_8_section_4.html)


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