
Trying to start wmii on a macbook pro I encounter a strange problem. wmii starts as it should but can't find wmiiwm (or any other programs for that matter), located in the same path. Same goes for fluxbox: The windowmanager is there but no application can be started as they are not found.

The strange thing is, that quartz-wm runs beautifuly and that the has no problems finding any applications. Also, from the terminal in or outside of X11 the programs are found.

which wmiiwm results in /opt/local/bin/wmiiwm

And the PATH is actually set: echo $PATH results in:
/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/bin:/ sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/lib/portage/bin/

Does anyone out there have a hunch what I'm doing wrong?


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