I don't know why kdepim3 fails to build on your mac but,

On Nov 27, 2007, at 2:54 PM, Gregory Dodwell wrote:

Basically, I'm trying to install Kate, and I understand this necessitates an installation of KDE
(sudo port install kde)

There is no need to install the whole of KDE environment to use Kate.
Kate is a part of kdebase3 so all you have to do is:

    $ sudo port install kdebase3


The first of my failed dependancy installations is kdepim3. I tried installing separately and this is
the result:

Could you mail me the entire buildlog? I'll take a look.
(/opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/ports/kde/ kdepim3/work/buildlog/root/kdepim3-3.5.8-0/*.log)

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